
If you have come here by chance, Hello!

I am Malaysian living in her latest adopted country of Italy. A Malaysian through and through though I have left my country in 1998 and have never lived there again. Who knows, maybe in the future I might go back or even retire in Malaysia but for now the adventure continues.

Spent 6 wonderful years in Singapore. Collected great memories, amazing friends and a family away from home. This family is scattered all over the world but we make an effort to go for a “family” holiday once a year regardless of where we are. We call this our Annual Girly Trip (AGT). I look forward to these holidays all year.

After that 6 years, I uprooted and moved to Thailand. Specifically Salaya though I tell people Bangkok. Less confusion that way. Pick up my dismal Thai. Immersed myself in University life. Yes, I went back to school and became an adult student. Ploughed through a minor in French and graduated with a BA in International Relations. I survived!! Discovered the joys of debating and traveled with the MUICDC for competitions. One of the best times in my life!! Made lifelong friends who showed me more of the world. Because of them, my years in Thailand remains with me as a great memory.

Then I met someone. He is Italian. Because of him, I am here.

This where I come to put my thoughts and to share my life with people who are important to me who live in another continent. Cause phone calls are expensive and time difference is a b*tch sometimes.

Also to share the wonders of the world through my eyes.

I believe that everything happens for a reason and we just have to find it. When we do, it will all make sense. It is these little surprises that make life interesting. Makes it worth living. Life is an adventure!

Since my last update I have now gotten myself even more wired to the world at large. πŸ˜› You can now follow my interestingly mundane life (I know, I am special like that cause opposites attract!) on Twitter and Instagram at @mouseytong.

Thank you for dropping by!

14 thoughts on “About

  1. Thanks for following my blogs! I can totally relate to your story since I’m also living in Korea because of my Korean husband. I can just feel your energy as you write ^ ^! I look forward to reading about your adventures!

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