Going home to another withdrawal..

Photo taken from http://www.desktopswallpapers.net


I am going home tomorrow!! Till now, 6.30pm, I am flying tomorrow supposedly at 11am, I have yet to receive my tickets from my very irresponsible travel agent. Which is why I like to get my own tickets most of the time. Why am I still using her? Well, it is not me who is using her, but our company. M has dealt with her for more than 10 years now and will continue to use her. He bought the tickets with her before I could even tell him no, and that I will get my own tickets. Also, because of her, M lost his Krisflyer Gold Card qualification because even after several reminders, she kept buying the wrong tickets resulting in no points given. This really riled M up. Because of the nature of our jobs, it is essential that we have the Gold Card. It allows us to go to a Business class check in line which is usually shorter, have extra baggage and the First and Business class lounges available to us whenever we are airport hopping is really a blessing in disguise. The extra baggage also allows us to carry items that are essential for every Italian stand, the espresso machines, and anything else we either forgot or have to bring on our own to supplement the stand, with no extra cost. Anyway, we are working on this. Hopefully we can get him back on track with just one flight.

I am going home to Malaysia. As you all know from my earlier posts, I don’t have any data plan on my local number, oh, man am I going to suffer!!! Sniff!! T_T this is the crying emoticon, right? I so bad at this. 😛 Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE to go home. I get to see my family and eat! eat! eat! A little exercise in between and then eat again! But, as my sister said, I am such an internet whore. I blame all this on my new found interest in Twitter. I love to read the posts and the fact that I am in touch with people around the world in real time. I know that FB does the same but it feels distinctly different. I prefer Twitter. Not much mumbo jumbo to sift through. Just 140words or less. Get the gist and move on.

I have to go soon. A friend came down from Turin and is now in front of me. Update y’all soon!


Update: just got the tickets now. Better late than never, right? 🙂


Remedy-ing my withdrawal..

Though in my last post I was lamenting about not being able to blog, I have not found anything interesting enough to blog about the last few days. Well, maybe also because I was busy.  Got into Singapore last Friday and immediately I went over to Singtel to find out how come the data plan that I have activated didn’t work. Yes..I was still dealing with the “no internet” withdrawal. I found out that it was because my sim card was a 2G one and I need a 3G one for it to work. In order to get a 3G one I have to change numbers as mine is a prepaid sim that I have been using for the last 3 years is just that, a prepaid sim, If I want to keep the number, I have to sign up for a post paid. After mulling it over for about 10 mins, i decided, no one really knows my number except for family and close friends anyway, and I can always update them on my new number. So, I queued up again only to be told I need my passport or my EP card to register the new prepaid.  Guess what I didn’t bring with me??

I do have to say though, that when I called the customer service line of Singtel, they were very helpful and efficient. The moment I found out that I could activate the data plan even for prepaid cards, I wanted to jump and shout for joy!! Yes, I was that bad into my withdrawal.  They told me to sms a certain number and follow the instructions. I followed the sms instructions and activated my HTC for it. It was all over and done with in less than 2 minutes. How cool was that?? But, after switching my HTC on again after the recommended time, it still didn’t work. I was crestfallen. So dramatic, right? I have drama in my blood….bwahahahahaha!!! The rest, you know, as I have explained above.

So, because this aunty here forgot her documents, she had to get it done only the next day as when she got back to the hotel it was already 5 and she had a dinner appointment at 7 and was too knackered after sleeping too late the night before, waking up early to get to the airport, she decided to get some rest. why am I speaking of myself in the 3rd person, I don’t know. Just wanted to do that. oooo…it deserves a mention too that the KLIA ekspress has free 4G YES internet connection in its trains. Found out just as we were pulling into the station. it was a bittersweet revelation.

The next day, Jen and Syahrul arrived bright and early and I dragged them both on the most important errand with me. They were lucky however, that we passed the 313 shopping mall first, so I left them there while I went to get my internet life back on track. Took awhile but it was done!! The first thing I did was to check my Twitter. 🙂 I am back online!! Yeah!!! *punching the air*

I proceeded to twit and check on other updates. Didn’t manage to twit a lot but the important thing was that I am back online. Then the weekend past in a blur of great company, great food, shopping and a wedding dinner of an ex-colleague. I had fun!

I am now back in Italy and here I have no problems with my internet connection. Happy…happy!!! 😀

Strange Uneasiness

Sounds funny but it really feels like that. I was never one to be really connected but since I came back I actually feel lost. I mean, before I occasionally connect to my Facebook whenever I am online and do not feel a need to have internet connection wherever I go but since getting an android phone and connecting to the net via twitter and blogging I actually feel like a lost puppy without it since I came back to Malaysia. My local number is a postpaid line that has no data plan activated because though it is my number, I use it only when I am in Malaysia. There is really no point to go through all the trouble of activating and then de-activating the data plan after 5 days which is the average that I am back.

I signed up for twitter back 2009 but since Vodafone Italy didn’t support twitter yet, I never got round to twittering. Just recently, mid of last year, and the androids were getting more popular, Vodafone started supporting it. I activated it on my phone once I got my HTC. Since then I have been slowly twittering away. I have it on my Blackberry too but app is better presented on my HTC.

I got in last Friday for my sis’ wedding. if you read my last blog, you would know that I have been traveling and with my sis’ wedding, I have been quite busy. Through all of this, I felt the lost of not being able to tweet more than no internet connection. It is so alarming!! I never thought I would get hooked on tweetering. So scary!!

Now, I have to work on this growing addiction to keep it in check!

On another note, I am watching Asian Potion on Hitz Astro and there is a boy band singing (didn’t catch their name cause I was typing this) that reminds me so much of the KPop and JPop bands out there. I am a little surprised first because they are a Malaysian group another is the fact that now all the boybands or groups are all starting to look alike throughout SEA. Is it only me or is this really happening. One thing though they do dress better and have better physique. They make the suits look good. 😛

Ps: strangely, I even missed blogging. I felt I needed and wanted so badly to blog. What is happening to me?!?!?!?!